
Tips & Tricks : How to maintain vibrant red hair

1. Are you willing to commit to your hair?
Think about how much commitment (and damage) you will have to take to keep this color!
So before you do anything,meditate and think about all that comes with red hair.
Do you have the time,money and patience to dye your hair every 3 weeks? (some fades later than 3 weeks,some fades earlier than 3 weeks)

2. What shade of red fits you?

-Olive Skin  :
Warm reds like mahogany red. Click here to see the tone

-Fair skin :
Although , this is a ''hair color mistake" you can always try it too.
Go for a more copper or orange tone Click here to see the tone

If your skin is more on the pink undertones or if you have darker skin,I would suggest a blonde (for pinker skin) and a brown shade (for the dark skin)

3. Stains,Stains everywhere.

Red hair will bleed on your shirts,your towels and your bathtub!
when your hair is wet put on an old shirt until it dries and use a seperate towel for your hair (unless you want a stained towel)

4. The Process.

Now that you have decided to dye your hair,I will suggest you some products I use to keep my hair looking fresh and red. I get most of the products from Sally's

A good hair dye I use is L'Oreal HiColor ,It leaves my hair silky and will not make that much of a mess like the other hair dye brands!

On the hair dye instructions it says to use a 9 volume developer, but I'm a rebel and I use a 30 volume developer (my hair is  dark so I only get the red shade I like with a 30 volume)

Remember: Do NOT keep on the hair dye for longer than it should be on, otherwise you will end up with a weird and flat color.And do NOT wash your hair for that long or you will take out the color.

You wont be washing your hair every day ( I suggest 3 times a week) and you will give up warm water since it will wash out your hair color,my hair is oily so I use a Dry Shampoo for oily hair

Use a good treatment for your hair on a daily basis, One 'n Only argan oil is great
Keep your hair in a good condition,damaged hair and red do not get along well.The red  will fade quicker if your hair is like straw.

5. Give up the heat!

If you blow dry your hair or straighten your hair,it will damage the color and your hair.
Also protect your hair from the sun.

6. Getting rid of red hair.
Bleaching your hair will leave it damaged or even like jelly.
Colour B4 Hair Colour Remover will do the trick for sure (:


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Olive oil and egg hair repair challenge

Hey There !

The olive oil and egg remedy for damaged hair is not something that will repair your hair super fast but it is rich in protein and it will moisturize your hair.
To start with I have only done this for a month now,but I only do it every other day.The reason why I decided to try this is because I am low in the hair treatment budget
(sadly :/ )  I mean,who does not like cheap hair  treatments you can do at home? Also my hair is super damaged due to the hair dyes & bleaching.

For this you will only be needing some extra virgin oil , two eggs  .(Don't forget the spoon or fork and something to mix it in)

What you will do is simple,in the container you use crack open the eggs, pour the eggs white and the yolks and  add two spoons of the extra virgin olive oil. (And mix them with the fork or spoon!)
Now here comes the ''eggciting'' part :
-apply the entire mixture on your hair,just the way you usually  put on  the hair dye and leave it on from 15 minutes to 1 hour
(it is your choice,but i leave it on for an hour)
Your hair will suddenly feel hard like when you put hair gel or hair spray on it,to me it is a little unpleasant but it can be worth it :)
 Finally, wash your hair like you usually do.
Remember: Hot water can damage your hair also,I recommend washing your hair with lukewarm or cold water.